Dear Sirs!
The stroller we have received from you is another one being used by our granddaughter Dagmara; the previous stroller, which was bought from your company between 2007 and 2010, has been used until now. For such a long period of use, it may have travelled a few thousand kilometres in various conditions and it performs very well on forest roads. The stroller from your company is very durable, we have only replaced the inner tubes and tyres in the wheels. Each subsequent trolley has been an improved version, the current version is great, I think it will be as durable as the previous one. We are happy with the extras and the booth with rain protection. This is what we were missing, all the extras and especially the removable upholstery which can be cleaned.
I have filled in the forms in this booklet for the 25-year warranty programme. We have been Dagmarka’s legal guardians since 1988. Dagmarka is now 41 years old, I am 79 years old and my husband is 85 years old. for us, a warranty period of 25 years for a wheelchair can only be a dream.
Dear Sirs!
Thank you again for the trolley for Dagmarka
tested – it is great.
I have only one remark about the pump attached to this stroller. During the first attempt to inflate the wheels, the handle broke off from the pump rod; I think the designer of the pump should think about a better attachment of the handle to the pump. The inflator may come in handy when we are away from home and need to inflate the wheels.
I have no other comments.
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