
We really liked the Comfort pushchair, it fulfils its role, has a nice colour and lots of accessories to choose from. For me personally, it’s a relief pushchair. I am calm about my daughter and she travels comfortably.

Ania's mum
16 March 2023

The Comfort stroller is very good, nice and provides us with the opportunity to get out of the house. We appreciate your ideas, the stroller is the whole world to us.

16 March 2023

My son Olaf is an adult. I purchased two Comfort strollers so that I can better manage daily needs. I take my son out of the flat myself, then I had to carry the pushchair and now it’s easier for me. I move the boy, the pushchair is waiting, we leave with joy. The pushchair meets our expectations, one model for home and another for trips out.

Olaf's dad, Michael
10 March 2023

We like to travel in to the mountains Only the Comfort stroller is ideal, comfortable and ensures long walks.
The brake is extremely important, especially in our mountainous terrain.
I know we can count on Mr Mark, who does what he can to make the pram easy to bring down the hill.
I have faith in Comfort’s capabilities.

Wlodzimierz Krzysiek's dad
10 March 2023

Fantastic Comfort stroller, in nursing home we bought it, for our dear protégée. Size [4] is completely sufficient for our girl to feel comfortable but also safe. Especially for her, the back support has been extended which causes comfort. The body relaxes , and staying in a sitting position is more comfortable.
I recommend Comfort and its wheelchair, thank you for your involvement in preparing the precise extension of the backrest.

Caregiver of the Ostoja nursing home Renata
10 March 2023

I can honestly say that we are happy with both the first and second version of the stroller, but the second one is without comparison…. Very stable and yet gentle .Easy to steer . It is comfortable and has many functions, and as for the turning wheels, for me personally as a carer. I mean it is more comfortable for mums because you can save your joints by not pushing the pushchair to turn. Personally, I can recommend it.

Angelika Weronika's mum
10 February 2023

We received a specialised wheelchair for a disabled child from the company “Comfort”. The wheelchair for my child is very comfortable and convenient, my son is comfortable. Made with quality and reliability.
I would like to thank all the staff of the “Comfort” company for helping us to buy this wheelchair. We really needed it.
To express my deepest gratitude.

2 February 2023

The Comfort pram works great, Hania sits very well and it is clear that she is comfortable. The seat is deep which makes it very easy to position the child correctly.
It is light to drive and very comfortable. The only drawback for me is the small basket, which is mounted in an inconvenient place (it is difficult to put anything in the basket).

2 February 2023

The stroller from the company “Comfort” is the best thing I have bought for my son. Comfortable, reliable, very sturdy, even with a boy weighing over 80kg. I am very satisfied with the Comfort company.

2 February 2023

About the company

Over  40 years of experience in the production of strollers for children, of which over 20 years of specialization in the production of rehabilitation strollers for children and adults with complex, multiple disabilities.

We are a member of the Polish Chamber of Commerce for Medical Devices POLMED.


Factory of Rehabilitation Equipment
COMFORT sp. z o. o.
ul. Głazowa 43, 60-116 Poznań
NIP: 7781369984
KRS: 0000871826
+48 61 863 85 61

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Here you will find photos and instructional videos as well as photos and videos showing the use of Comfort pushchairs.

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